Once upon a time, a young boy sat in his local movie theater viewing the film, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. During the closing moments, when E.T. is saying goodbye to Elliot and his family, the boy turned to his mom and asked curiously, “Why are my eyes leaking?”
That boy was Ken Cichon, and he would go on to be inspired by the Movies and Pop Culture that defined his generation: Star Wars, MTV, Air Jordan, Walter Payton, and the Chicago Bulls Championship teams of the 90s. Guided by these protagonists, Ken has embarked on his own Creative Hero’s Journey as a Storyteller, a Saxophone Player, a Documentary Television Editor, and now as a Motion Picture Film Editor.
Ken broke into Hollywood, cutting his first Independent Feature Film, “Armstrong,” from up-and-coming Director, Trayvon “Tray” Williams. The film would go on to perform in numerous festivals around the world, and won Best Narrative Feature Film at the American Independent Film Festival.
Ken continues to challenge himself by Assisting and learning from experienced Film Editors working in Hollywood. His dream is to collaborate with Storytellers and Filmmakers in bringing their stories to screens all over the world, and also to inspire the next generation of Filmmakers, just as he once was.  
Ken is currently living just outside of Studio City, CA, where he resides with his wife (and soulmate), Nikka. Together they host a Lifestyle Podcast together, and work to help others lead a more active, healthy lifestlyle.